Hoisting Unleashed: How JavaScript Moves Code Behind the Scenes


2 min read

In the world of JavaScript, "hoisting" is like a magician's sleight of hand, quietly rearranging your code behind the scenes. In this blog post, we'll lift the curtain on this mysterious behavior, shedding light on how JavaScript hoists variable and function declarations, and why it matters to your code. Whether you're a JavaScript novice or a seasoned developer, prepare to grasp this fundamental concept and enhance your understanding of how JavaScript truly operates.

So, let's understand what hoisting is as per the dictionary. Hoisting is nothing but lifting something to the top. It is the same in the case of JavaScript as well. It moves variable and function declarations to the top of their scope before running the code.

Now, you might wonder, "Can we use these variables and functions even before they're set up?" Well, yes and no. You can, but there's a twist. Variables will be there, but their values will be a bit shy—they'll be "undefined" until they're given a proper value. Let's dive into this enchanting world of hoisting.

Variable Hoisting:

1) With var -

In this example, var x is hoisted to the top of the current scope, so it's as if the code looks like this:

var x; // Declaration is hoisted
console.log(x); // Output: undefined
x = 5; // Initialization happens here

2) with let and const -

Now, with let and const, JavaScript takes a different approach. It still hoists the declaration, but it doesn't initialize it with undefined. Instead, it puts the variable in a "temporal dead zone" until it's officially declared. This means you can't use it before that point.


1) It's important to note that only the declarations are hoisted, not the initializations.

2) Variable hoisting can lead to unexpected behavior in your code if you're not aware of it, so it's good practice to declare variables at the top of their scope and initialize them before using them.

Function hoisting -

Function hoisting is like having a friend who's always there when you need them. JavaScript moves function declarations to the top, so you can call them before they're introduced formally.

NOTE: Function hoisting can be a useful feature in JavaScript as it allows you to define functions after they are used in your code. However, it's still a best practice to declare functions before using them to enhance code readability and avoid potential issues related to hoisting.